Dogonoithatquangoi 2023-03-14T14:47:37+08:00 Dogonoithatquangoi 2023-03-14T14:47:37+08:00 2023-03-14T14:47:37+08:00 Crystal Shungite Tower Crystals DORMAR

Vendor: DORMAR
Type: Crystals
Price: 249.95

Crystal Shungite Tower

This crystal shungite tower is composed of a rare, carbon-based rock mineral from the Karelia region of Russia. The properties of shungite are believed to be beneficial for physical and psychological health, with some studies suggesting effects on mitigating radiation and improving immunity. Utilize this crystal tower to balance and purify your environment.

Size: 18-20CM

Weight: APPROX 800- 1000 GRAMS

CRYSTAL Crystal Towers crystals DORMAR Shungite Towers Default Title 249.95 IS3930 0